7 Baby Items You Should Buy from Thrift Stores

You can easily find some high-quality items at the thrift store. The key with shopping at any thrift store is to be selective with your purchases.

Make sure that the items you select are in new, like new, or very good condition. Ensure that there aren’t any tears, stains, or other forms of unfixable damage.


It is a great idea to buy infant and some toddler clothes from thrift stores. You will save an exorbitant amount of money even if you only purchase clothes for the first two years of their lives.

I would highly recommend shopping at thrift stores even while you are pregnant, so you have as much time as possible to create their wardrobe.


Make sure that you are picking out toys that are high quality and easy to clean for the best bang for your buck. Also, if you are shopping at a Goodwill Outlet or a similar store, you will need to make sure that all of the pieces are there.


It is easy to find some nice books for your child at most thrift stores, just be sure that you aren’t overpaying for the books and that the books aren’t damaged. Many thrift stores have clearance sections in addition to their regular sections.


Baby shoes are a great buy at thrift stores because babies don’t really walk much in their shoes before they outgrow them.

Toddler shoes are a bit different. You shouldn’t have much problem with finding dress shoes that are in good condition, but you might need to buy new sneakers or tennis shoes for your toddler, especially if they are a boy.


You can find some high-end strollers at a great price at thrift stores. Make sure that nothing is broken or damaged and that it will be reasonable to clean.


Used cribs are a great buy, just make sure that they contain all the pieces, including the nuts and bolts. I say this with one major exception, you must make sure that you aren’t buying a drop-side crib.

Drop-side cribs are dangerous because limbs could get stuck in the side of the crib that moves. The crib could fall apart as the hardware wears loose, screws and other pieces could jut out and injure you or your baby, and there are some other issues with them as well.


A bassinet is a great tool to have in addition to a crib. Most bassinets have completely removable fabric components, so you will be able to clean it thoroughly.

Baby Loungers, Bouncers, and Swings

You should pick at least one of these options so your baby can have somewhere to lay while being propped up safely.

A baby lounger is my least favorite way for babies to be seated. It doesn’t have a rigid frame or any way to strap the babies into it, so the baby could roll or fall out of it if you aren’t paying them perfect attention. Also, babies will outgrow them faster than they would a bouncer or a swing.

A baby bouncer is a cheaper option than a baby swing, but it works well and allows you to lock the baby into place so they can’t roll or fall out. Some bouncers have a powered bouncing or vibrating feature that might even include music.

With both a bouncer and a swing, you should know that your baby could love or hate any of these features, so you may not get your full money’s worth if your baby hates them.

Baby swings tend to come with more features than baby bouncers, but they also cost more.

Nursery Furniture

When you are looking for furniture, it doesn’t have to be “baby nursery furniture”. I found it easiest and most practical to put some of our old furniture in our son’s room.

Old dressers, nightstands, ottomans, rocking chairs, sitting chairs, and any other things that you are considering putting in your baby’s nursery will work great.

Your child will expel bodily fluids all over everything in their room during their first few years of life, especially if you are having a boy. Once they are older, you can upgrade their room to nicer items.

Things from our college years and our first apartment together are great choices, because if the kids color all over it, you probably won’t be as upset as if you had dropped hundreds or thousands on their room.

I fully plan on getting my children a nice bedroom set when they are old enough to take care of it and appreciate it. I would get them each a queen sized bedroom set so they could take it with them when they move out. They could have one less thing to buy for their first new place on their own.

Learning Materials and Equipment

If you plan on homeschooling your children, learning materials are a great buy at thrift stores. Not many parents are interested in homeschooling their children, so you can usually find the materials for a good deal.

Just make sure that the pages of the books aren’t damaged and that everything has all it’s pieces.

Stuffed Animals

As long as they are able to fit in the washing machine, it is fine to buy stuffed animals from thrift stores.

Washing them on hot and drying them in the dryer will cook any germs that could be in or on the stuffed animals. Just be check the label before you do, just in case the stuffed animal will melt easily in the dryer.

Just make sure that there aren’t any holes or tears anywhere in the stuffed animals and that all the pieces are there before you purchase them.

The last thing you want is to not have a stuffed animal you just bought and to have to pick stuffing out of your washing machine and filter. Debris including stuffing could also clog the pump on your washing machine too, so double check before washing anything.

Cloth Diapers

As long as they are clean and look to be in good condition, it is a great idea to buy used cloth diapers. This will give you a chance to make sure that you are willing to use cloth diapers without investing a small fortune to buy them new.

Just make sure that you watch a couple YouTube videos on “stripping” the specific brand of cloth diapers that you bought. “Stripping” is a deep cleaning process for the cloth diapers.

Baby Carrier

Buying a gently used baby carrier is a great way to save some money on the things that your baby needs. Of course, you have to make sure there aren’t any rips or tears in the seams or the fabric.

Skip any baby carrier that looks excessively worn, no matter the price. A brand new baby carrier will always cost way less than an ER visit because your baby fell out of it.


There are plenty of baby items that are great to buy used. Just make sure you check for recalls and look at the reviews before purchasing. Also remember that you should only buy gently used items, excessively worn items are often not worth it. Especially considering that used baby items aren’t that hard to find.

It is a good idea to price these things new so you will know what is an appropriate price to pay for them used. There are plenty of used stores and marketplaces that have overpriced items, especially for the condition that they are in. There will be plenty of times that you can get an item on sale for cheaper than you can buy it used, just keep your eyes open.

New items might also have better features or safety enhancements that you should consider.