5 Great Ways to Save Money on Baby Clothes

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Baby clothes can get expensive depending on when and where you are shopping. Their clothes can cost just as much as adult clothes. If you are looking for some great ways to save money and get your baby dressed well, but don’t want to spend a fortune, these tips will help.

1. Ask for Different Sizes on Your Baby Registry

If you don’t ask for different sizes on your baby registry, you could end up with enough clothes for 3 babies in one size, and nothing in any other sizes.

Usually, seasoned moms will buy clothes in larger sizes just because they know that other people that aren’t experienced with babies and baby registries will just buy all newborn or 0-3 Month clothes.

Even though you are making a registry, people probably won’t buy exactly what you ask for off of it. You might have a hard time returning things you don’t need or like if you aren’t sure where they were purchased from.

2. Thrift Shop While You Are Pregnant

This could easily be tip #1, I can’t even begin to tell you how much money I save by thrift shopping. Especially at Goodwill Outlet stores where everything is by the pound. You can sometimes find brand new clothes with the tags still on them.

I made sure I started shopping as soon as I knew the gender of my baby, although, I did buy gender neutral items whenever I saw them even before we knew the gender.

Before my baby shower, I mainly bought larger sized clothing that I knew I more than likely wouldn’t get at my baby shower although I did put larger sizes on my baby registry. I didn’t put anything larget than a 12 M size on my baby registry and I mainly got 0-3 M and 3-6 Month clothing at my baby shower.

By shopping while you are still pregnant, you are giving yourself plenty of time to find the things that you need and want.

3. Shop Sales

I wasn’t able to find everything I needed and wanted for my son while I was thrift shopping, so I shopped sales at Target. Especially the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales in November.

It is good to go ahead and learn the sales pattern for your favorite stores anyway so you can time your purchases so you are only shopping when the sales are active.

This is especially important at Target if you need to buy baby formula, diapers, or wipes. Although Walmart is cheaper than Target as far as their everyday prices, Target goes on a much better sale if you work it right.

4. Shop Clearances

Not always are the sales a good deal, sometimes clearances are better deals. Walmart can have some great clearances and sometimes items ring up cheaper than they are marked to be.

5. Ask Friends

If you aren’t the first person in your group of friends to have a baby, you will probably have a friend that doesn’t want or need their stash of baby clothes anymore.

Ask them how much they’d want for them, but they might just give them to you for free. Many times, moms are just happy to have someone using the items and for the items to be out of their house.

Some of my friends gave me toddler clothes that their children had already outgrown. I offered to pay them for it, but they just wanted it and some other baby items out of their house.

6. Build an Amazon Baby Registry and a Shopping List

I created an Amazon Baby Registry mainly for the free Welcome Baby Box, but also for the registry discount and the year-long return policy. You can add products from any site to the registry and people can pool money together for larger purchases.

I put all of my registry items in a Shopping List as well because it will show you if the items have been discounted since you have added it to your list, but the registry doesn’t do that.

Create your free Amazon Baby Registry here.

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