The Best Diaper for Sensitive Skin 2024

The Best Diaper Brands for Babies with Sensitive Skin Featured Image

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We’ve tried many different diaper brands before we found the best diapers for babies with sensitive skin, and here is the cream of the crop. I will be reviewing these diaper brands based on the following criteria: skin test, patterns, sizing, blowouts, and heavy wetters.

I didn’t get these diapers independently tested in a lab; this review is just my experience with them as a mother.

1. Seventh Generation

Sensitive Skin Test:

It doesn’t cause any rashes or burns. It also breathes well, so it will help your child’s sensitive skin recover faster from digestive issues because of their diet or teething.

Ultimately, this is the best diaper for sensitive skin, especially because of how fast my son’s skin healed after the diaper rash caused by another brand.


The patterns are cute, and you can tell that they don’t use strong dyes in their diapers because the colors look a little washed out unlike some other brands of diapers that aren’t safe for sensitive skin.

I appreciate them using either less dye, or a kind of dye that isn’t very potent, so it doesn’t cause any issues with our little ones’ skin. This is very important when looking for the best diaper for sensitive skin, but it isn’t the only factor that could make an otherwise okay diaper not good for sensitive skin.

I love that the patterns are very gender neutral, cute, and simple. I’m not a big fan of getting everything gendered. I know I want to have more children and if I have a sleeve of diapers that I haven’t used in a size that my son has outgrown, I will be putting it aside for the next kid.


The sizing is about right compared to other brands and the appearance of the diaper. It is a great option for new parents that aren’t sure what body type their baby will have.

It is also great for parents of twins or other multiples with different body types.

Although this has nothing to do with your child’s skin sensitivities, it will make your life much easier if the diaper that works well with your child is also sized well. Even if you find the best diaper for sensitive skin, it won’t matter if your child can’t fit it.


It holds on better than Pampers Pure does, but some things were never meant to be contained.

You should know that just because a diaper contains a blowout well, doesn’t mean that it can’t be breathable. I’ve used diapers that contain couldn’t contain a blowout and yet still weren’t breathable.

Seventh Generation is breathable and still handles blowouts very well. This alone could make it the best diaper for sensitive skin, just because they managed to solve this issues so well.

Heavy Wetters:

Seventh Generation diapers are able to handle the lakes and puddles your child will create, but the fasteners only really stay connected towards the tips. So, you have to make sure that if you have a skinny baby, you place the fasteners beside each other instead of directly on top of each other when overlapping.

If Seventh Generation really wanted to improve and make their diapers truly the best diapers for sensitive skin, they would fix this issue with the fasteners.


The Seventh Generation diapers are usually cheaper than the Pampers Pure and the Honest Company Diapers. Check the price here to see what is the better deal now.


  • Great for Sensitive Skin
  • Cute Colors
  • Accurate Sizing
  • Great for Heavy Wetters
  • Great for Blowouts
  • Costs Less than Competitor
  • Bonus: Gender Neutral patterns makes it easy for you to stash away unused diapers for future babies.


  • None


Given that Seventh Generation diapers are sold at such a reasonable price and how well they handle everything a baby can throw at it, while also protecting your baby’s skin, I have deemed Seventh Generation the best diaper for sensitive skin. I will continue to use it for my future children.

Continue reading to see how close other brands came to taking this title.

2. Pampers Pure

Sensitive Skin Test:

They don’t cause any rashes or burns. They breath fairly well so you child’s acidic teething poops will heal fairly quickly.


Just like with Seventh Generations, the patterns are gender neutral, so you can easily tuck the unused diapers aside for the next kid.

They also don’t have bold colors, I don’t think it should cause any skin sensitivity issues because of the dye they are using in the patterns.


The sizing is about what I would expect diapers should be and it is in line with many other diaper brands. Pampers has been around for decades, so I would definitely be disappointed if they didn’t get this right.


It can handle blowouts fairly well, just not as well as Seventh Generation’s diapers. This is one of the things that made Seventh Generation stand out as the best diaper for sensitive skin.

Heavy Wetters:

It is a champion in the lakes and puddles department. 12/10

Even though it performed better here than than Seventh Generation, there were other factors that made Seventh Generation the best diaper for sensitive skin.


Pampers Pure diapers are usually less expensive than Honest Company diapers, but more expensive than Seventh Generation diapers. Check the price here to see the latest price.


  • Great for Sensitive Skin
  • Cute Patterns
  • Accurate sizing
  • Great for Heavy Wetters


  • Blowouts: Not as Strong as Seventh Generation
  • A Little More Expensive than Seventh Generation

3. Honest Company

Sensitive Skin Test:

They can cause more of a rash than a burn, but I believe this is because they aren’t as breathable as some of the other diaper brands we tested. My son as acidic poops when he is teething, and they burn his skin. With these diapers, those burns take forever to heal, so that was one of the main reasons we switched.

This is the main thing that took Honest Company diapers out of the running for the best diapers for sensitive skin.


They have muted colors which lets me know they aren’t using heavy and potentially harmful dyes like some other companies, but the patterns are still cute.

I’m sure some of you will appreciate having a clear girl diaper choice. However, living in an area where there are more boy babies, I don’t like having to choose between girl diapers or no diapers.

I’ve worked in retail before and this is probably another situation in which the company sends out an equal number of girl and boy patterns even though that area clearly shows that there are more boys. So, the girl diapers just keep getting delivered and just stack up because no one needs that many girl diapers in that area. *Rant over*

This isn’t a major issue that affected its ranking as the best diaper for sensitive skin, but it is something I wished that they would improve on.


The sizing is about normal, but I could see if someone said they ran a little small. I did notice that compared to other brands, I did have to move into the next size faster than other brands. For the record, my son is skinny and tall.

You should know that the size numbering on each brand is relative to that brand and that you need to look at the weight it says it will accommodate in order to accurately compare diapers from brand to brand.

A great diaper should be able to fit most babies. The Honest Company’s diapers seem to be catered to a much leaner demographic, so that took it out of the running for the best diaper for sensitive skin.


They don’t handle blowouts well at all……I have PTSD now.

Heavy Wetters:

They handle heavy wetters better than they handle blowouts. That’s all I can say.


Honest Company diapers usually more expensive than Pampers Pure or Seventh Generation diapers. Check here to see the most up-to-date pricing.


  • Cute Patterns


  • Not Very Breathable and Therefore Not Great for Sensitive Skin
  • Hard to Find Boy Patterns in Stores
  • No Gender Neutral Option
  • Normal to Small Sizing
  • Can’t Handle Blowouts
  • Not Good For Heavy Wetters
  • More Expensive than Seventh Generation and Pampers Pure


It’s important to finding a brand that will protect your child’s sensitive skin, while also handling whatever their digestive system can throw at it.

Seventh Generation was the disposable diaper of choice when I had my son, especially since the coupons they offered made them even cheaper than Pampers Pure. I bought Pampers Pure only a couple times throughout my son’s diapering journey because the store ran out of his size and I didn’t feel like going to another store.

I will absolutely be using Seventh Generation with my next child.

The Best Diapers for Babies with Sensitive Skin Pinterest Image

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