Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Review

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Review

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I bought two baby carriers when I had my son, one of which was the Moby wrap. I loved the Moby wrap, but you should know who the Moby wrap would be best for. It isn’t great for everyone or everything.

My Experience with the Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier

I practiced tying the wrap while I was still pregnant, and I put our cat in the carrier to confirm that the baby’s head would be in the correct area. It took a couple attempts, but once I was able to tie the wrap once, it was like riding a bike from then on.

I’m 5 feet tall and my husband is 6’4”, and with our son weighting the 8-pound minimum by the time he was a couple weeks old, he quickly was able to be carried around in the wrap. I really enjoyed snuggling with him while also being able to get things done around the house.

My son quickly grew and by the time he was about 5 months old it wasn’t very comfortable for him to be in the wrap because he was already half as tall as I am and he weighed close to 20 pounds. It also didn’t help that I have a short to normal sized torso.

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Washing and Care

The Moby wrap is easy to care for, just wash and dry it like any other garment. Most baby carriers are able to be washed, but some wash better than others.

I would suggest that if you like the wrap, you should buy a second one so you can always keep one washed up.

I will absolutely be ordering another wrap or perhaps a ring sling when I have my second child because it is a bit of a pain to have to quick wash the wrap every time your baby spits up on the wrap.

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Pros:

  • The wrap is great for being super close to your baby while they are in a carrier. It isn’t quite as close as a ring wrap, but it is much closer than a standard wrap with clasps that you have to connect.
  • 100% cotton
  • Easy to clean. Washer and dryer safe.
  • You’ll never forget to tie it once you have it down.
  • It is great for clingy babies and dealing with separation anxiety.
  • Durable
  • The weight range is 8-35 lbs. so it can accommodate your baby from birth to toddler.
  • With it being 5.5 meters or a little over 18 feet long, it can accommodate larger parents.

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Cons:

  • It can be a little difficult to learn how to wrap for some people.
  • Although it can accommodate a 35-pound baby, you definitely won’t want to carry your little one around once they get that big. Depending on how long your torso is and how strong your back is, you probably will stop using the wrap around the 20-pound mark. That could be as early as 5 or 6 months or as long as a year.

Who is the Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier for:

  • People who want to snuggle their babies and have them closer than a clasped carrier allows.
  • People who don’t intend on hiking or doing strenuous activities while having their baby in the carrier.
  • Babies that weigh at least 8 pounds. Pre-mature babies will especially appreciate the closeness this carrier provides once they are able to fit into it.

Who isn’t the Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier for:

  • Someone who only wants to use it to do strenuous activities such as hiking.
  • Someone who had a large baby at birth. You won’t get much mileage out of it before your baby is too big for you to be comfortable wearing them. The maximum recommended weight is 35 pounds, although it will begin to become uncomfortable for you and your baby before then. My tall and skinny son was a walking, talking toddler once he was finally 35 pounds.


                The Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier is really great for anyone wanting to carry their baby around and have them be very close to them. It is great for doing housework, but not for hiking or any other strenuous activity. Made out of 100% cotton, easy to clean, large enough to accommodate many plus sized parents, and great for anyone who doesn’t want to deal with a bunch of buckles and clasps.

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier Review

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