How to Save Money on Baby Items

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Baby supplies can cost as much or as little as you want them to.

For those of us that don’t want to spend a small fortune on our baby gear. I have honed down on how to save money on baby items.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Ask mom friends for their old stuff

Plenty of moms hold on to their old baby stuff in case they have another child. It’s easy to get caught up in life and forget about the stuff they have stored away, but if you ask them if they have anything, they will probably have something to give you.

Offer to pay them for what they have, but they will probably tell you, just getting it out of their house is more than enough payment for them. However, it would be nice of you to treat them to coffee or lunch sometime as a thank you.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Utilize Baby Registries

There are plenty of baby registries to choose from, and many of which offer free items just for creating the registry. However, you should be aware that you shouldn’t let people buy directly from the baby registries because often times they will mark up the items just because you have them on your registry.

You can create a Target Baby Registry here.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Find Freebies

There are plenty of freebies also available from stores in addition to what they provide you when you create a baby registry.

Check out this article on 8 Things in the Target Baby Registry Gift Bag.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Know What the New Price Is

It is very important to know what the new price is because sometimes things are marked as being on sale or clearance, but they aren’t a good price.

If you know what the price is new, you can make a better decision on items that you find while shopping

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Go Thrift Shopping

You can find some really good deals at thrift stores. Now that you know what the new price is, you can evaluate what the used price should be based on the condition of the item.

If you like shopping at Goodwill, check and see if there is a Goodwill Outlet in your area. Buying clothes there is especially cheaper because they charge by the pound instead of by the item. Since baby clothes are so small, you can save a significant amount of money by shopping like this.

Check out this post about the 7 Baby Items You Should Buy from Thrift Stores Like Goodwill & Once Upon a Child.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Browse Facebook and Other Online Marketplaces

There are some good deals to be had on online marketplaces because many moms are only looking to get a little spending money for their old baby items. Be sure to shop around the various marketplace before

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Find Free Pregnancy Programs in Your Area

Sometimes there are pregnancy programs in your area that you can take part in that can offer you some free items, prenatal classes, and sometimes they can even provide some minor medical care.

They usually require that you take their prenatal classes in order to get the free items.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Shop Sales

Target is one of the best stores to buy baby and toddler clothes from. You have to time the sales and understand that sometimes you need to buy ahead in order to get the most value.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Shop Clearances

I love the clearance section!!! Clearances can have some of the best deals. Sometimes it is better to get items on clearance or sale than to get them while thrift shopping.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Shop Online

In addition to the in-store sales and clearances, there are plenty of clearance and sales items online.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Buy Ahead of Time

If you find items for a good price, it’s a good idea to go ahead and get them and put them away. Unexpected life circumstances can make it difficult to acquire new clothes, toys, and other items for your kids. No matter if it is the loss of a job, medical issues, pandemics, or anything else.

How to Save Money on Baby Items: Don’t Go Overboard

Your baby doesn’t need the fanciest gadgets and the most toys to be happy. Figure out what you actually need and want and maybe allow yourself a couple of splurge items.

Also, don’t get hooked on what the YouTubers and the bloggers say is the best high-dollar item you need. I’m going to be honest with you… don’t need it. It doesn’t make you any less of a mom if you don’t buy those things.


Look for freebies and hand me downs where you can and be sure to shop clearances, sales, and thrift stores so you are getting the best bang for your buck. Even if you are getting really good deals on items, just don’t go overboard.

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