12 Great Activities to Do With a 1 Year Old

Young toddler baby crawling up the outdoor stairs with a teddy bear. Image for 12 Great Activities to Do With a 1 Year Old

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There are plenty of great activities to do with a 1 year old. Just about any child safe activity will be great for a one year old. Listed below there are many fun and safe activities they can do that can help their mental and physical development.

Use this list to help guide you and feel free to add activities that are relevant to your lifestyle. Just remember that at this age kids like the simplest of things.

Play Musical Instruments

          Playing musical instruments are great activities to do with a 1 year old can be an actual musical instrument or one that you create from things around the house.

          At this age, tambourines, maracas, child pianos, and drums are the simplest and most failsafe instruments you can provide your child. My son has this instrument set.

You can always give your child more advanced instruments, but the instruments listed above will help your child gain the confidence they need to tackle more advanced instruments.

          Making instruments from items around the house can be as simple as handing your child a pot and spoon or as complicated as a Pinterest worthy arts and crafts project.

          An empty can and spoon can become an instrument if you don’t want to give up your pots. You can go as far as to decorate it or just leave it plain.

Dance Party

          There are educational songs that you child can dance to, or you can just play some of the child friendly music you like and let them dance with you.


          You can never go wrong with bubbles. They may not be able to blow them on their own at this age, but if they can then great.

If they want to do it on their own, be weary of them spilling the container. You might want to take them outside or to a moppable part of the house and let them have their fun.

Play With a Ball

          It doesn’t matter what kind of ball it is; any sports ball will do. Try to teach them the basic rules for each ball you provide them.

          Teaching kids the difference between football and soccer is always interesting.

Play With Blocks

          Blocks are a great learning tool that kids can play with on their own. These types are great developmental activities to do with a 1 year old. They are able to understand balancing, the laws of physics, different shapes, and much more.

I love these blocks for my son because kids can build a lot of different creations, but they are simple enought ot not be distracting.

A block set like this has been very helpful with teaching my son about colors, numbers, letters and shapes and it even comes with a holder.

Look at Old Pictures

          Kids really enjoy seeing old pictures of themselves and their loved ones. It is a great way to help them remember the things they have already experienced.  

Water Plants

          If all of your plants are indoors, it might be a bit of a mess, but it will definitely be fun for them to help you water the plants. If you are just watering plants outside, all you have to clean up is a soggy kid…and maybe yourself.


          Dusting is one of the simplest and easiest things you can teach your child to do. There isn’t really a way to get it wrong unless they are just throwing the duster at things.

          The kids can use an actual duster, or you can buy them a cleaning play kit. Either way, teaching your child chores are another great example of activities to do with a 1 year old.

Look at Old Videos

          In addition to looking at old pictures, old videos are another great way for your child to remember things that have happened in their lives.


          The cleaning play kit I mentioned above also has a broom in it. You will be surprised what kids learn just from watching you. My son only knows how to sweep the floor because he watches me do it.

Read Books

          It is never too early to read books to your children. There are some great books that you can give your children so they can read to themselves.


It doesn’t matter if you use a sheet of paper, posterboard, cardboard (old box), or even a diaper box to let them color. Crayons are the best choice at this age, but washable markers are a good choice if you are looking for something different.


There are some great activities to do with a 1 year old like coloring, playing musical instruments, and playing with blocks. Kids can create their own games out of child friendly items that they find in their environment.

Young toddler baby crawling up the outdoor stairs with a teddy bear. Image for 12 Great Activities to Do With a 1 Year Old

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