How to Save Money on Baby Items: 9+ Methods

If you want to save money on baby items you need have an open mind and be willing to do a little leg work. You can save hundreds or more with some of these methods, but they might take a little time to complete.

Finish Your Baby Registry

In order for you to make the most of these tips, you really need to finish your baby registry first. 

You aren’t going to be able to save money on baby items if you don’t know what you really need and want for your baby. You’ll end up getting a bunch of items you won’t need or want at your baby registry and you’ll waste a bunch of money on unnecessary items when you are shopping.

By finishing your baby registry, you will also be able to mark things off of your list as you get them and compare prices so you’ll know that you are getting a good deal.

By finishing your baby registry, you are also able to get the free gift bag that most registry services offer. It will have sample of items you and your baby could use and it also generally has coupons as well. Target is my favorite store when it comes to their free gift bag, you can even see what else is in it in my post here.

Ask Friends and Family

It is always a great idea to ask family and friends if they have any clothes that they are trying to get rid of. You can offer them money, food, or babysitting services in exchange for their old goods. 

You can really save a lot of money on baby items if you are able to get a good bit of clothing and other gear for cheap or free. You can then take that money that you saved and apply it to a higher ticket item that you’ll need or even upgrade an item you have been looking at. 

Look on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to find mom groups that you can ask questions that you can’t find the answer to on Google. 

Shopping on Facebook Marketplace is also a great way to save money on baby items. Be sure to also check the buy and sell groups and even the “buy nothing” groups because there might be items listed there that aren’t in the Marketplace.

You shouldn’t assume that just because it is listed on Facebook Marketplace that it is a good deal. There are plenty of people that mark the items up above what you would pay in the stores, just because they know people will assume they are getting a good deal. 

Use your baby registry to compare the prices of the items you find and make sure that whatever you buy is in good condition and doesn’t have a recall on it. 

Shop at Thrift Stores 

Thrift stores are a great way to save money on baby items that are gently used or sometimes even new. There are plenty of times when I have bought brand new items with the tags still on them while thrift shopping. 

Shop Around

Don’t just buy your items at the first store you find it at. If you look at your baby registry and see that you have found a better deal than what that item is on your baby registry for, you could go ahead and buy the item.

Target is my favorite store when it comes to buying baby items new. Their sales really can’t be beat and it is a great way to save money on baby items like diapers, formula, baby toys and so much more.

Check out Clearances

It is good to check year-round for clearances on baby items. Some categories of items only go on clearance during certain seasons, others will go on clearance intermittently all year. 

Each store has their own schedule that they operate on, so it is good to ask an associate when the clearances are or to look online to see if someone has the clearance schedule posted. 

Shop Online

Sometimes the sales online will be just as good or better than the sale in the store. The online and in-store sales might also be on a different schedule, so you might be able to delay getting those items if you can’t afford to get them right now.  

It could also give you another opportunity to buy those items if you missed the first sale. 

There are generally more colors and styles available online than in the stores, so you can really tailor what you are buying to fit your style better than you could in the store. 

Online might also have bundles and other offers in addition to the sales that might not be available in-store. These bundles could give you a discount and/or free items to help you save extra money, especially if you were planning on buying those items anyway.

Use Coupons

Take advantage of coupons whenever you can. You can get them from the Sunday newspaper ad, a coupon website, directly from the brand, from the store, or various other places. 

Some stores will allow you to use multiple coupons on the same purchase and/or same product as long as the coupons are of a different type (ex: Save $5 vs Save 5%).

Shop Sales 

Weekly sales are a great way to save money on baby items within a specific category or brand. You can save a decent amount of money just by shopping during the sales. 

Many stores have the same sales over and over again, you’ll just need to pay attention so you can see how many products you need to buy to hold you over until the next sale happens. 

Buy a Bundle

Bundles are a great way to save money on baby items you were already going to buy anyway. They are also an easy way to make sure that all of your items are color coordinated and will work well together. 

Sometimes bundles can contain extra items you weren’t planning on buying, but if the cost is close to the cost or even cheaper than you would have paid for the single item, it might be worth it to buy the bundle anyway. 

Pro Tip #1: Stack the Savings

If you are really looking to save a lot of money, the best thing you can do is to combine the sales with coupons with clearances. 

Now, not always will the coupons and/or sales include the clearanced items, but when they do, you can get some really good deals on the items you are buying. 

Pro Tip #2: Coupon Hacks

Sometimes when you get a coupon from a store, it could be an exclusive coupon with that store. However, if you get the coupon directly off the item at “Store A” instead of from a weekly ad or in the aisle of the product, you can take that coupon to another store with better pricing and use it there. 

More Resources to Help You Save Money on Baby Items